Thumbs up!

Thumbs up to yet another beautiful day of walking, teaching guitar, reading, working on guitar lessons, practicing (guitar and life in general), eating super spicy salads, drinking coffee,… I think Oshkosh is a pretty cool place. 🙂

New add for Oshkosh Guitar

Once again I am enjoying my day in the portable Oshkosh Guitar Office. (Stephanie’s Subaru) I’m now done (it seems to me) with a new add/info card. You can see by the pictures that I am NOT a graphics, advertising, or marketing artist. I do however like to...

Oshkosh Farmer’s Market.

I’m Going to visit Olden Produce at the Oshkosh Farmer’s Market this morning. In order to give the very best guitar lessons I need the very best fuel and building blocks for my body and brain. If you are in Oshkosh GO TO THE MARKET! Support local food and...

That was fast.

And as fast as it came it left. Summer break is over and we are back to the fall guitar lesson schedule. All of my Oshkosh guitar students are back to school except for the University folks. They still have a few more days of freedom. I am excited to hear stories of...

Heid Music Tent Sale

Just in case you have not heard the news, there is quite the sale happening this week at Heid Music in Oshkosh WI. If you need guitar/guitar lesson supplies, now is the time to get them. I hope to run over between guitar lessons today and sometime on...