Working on an add.

Today is practice day for one of the bands that I play in. They are currently putting keyboards down. I get to work on my Oshkosh Guitar lesson adds while I wait my turn. I love the portability modern technology gives us. My office is wherever I can find room to sit...

New Oshkosh Guitar business cards.

New business cards! Let me know if you want some to give out. I have a few open times for guitar lessons left in the schedule. This fall is turning out perfectly fine with new and old guitar students. An interesting opportunity is coming up this Saturday for Oshkosh...

New add for Oshkosh Guitar

Once again I am enjoying my day in the portable Oshkosh Guitar Office. (Stephanie’s Subaru) I’m now done (it seems to me) with a new add/info card. You can see by the pictures that I am NOT a graphics, advertising, or marketing artist. I do however like to...