Aug 21, 2012
The smell of text books and chalk boards will soon invade Oshkosh. I have some guitar students that already start school this week! Most start in September and have a few more precious days of freedom to spend. My fall schedule is starting to shape up and it looks...
Aug 13, 2012
There are only two summer weeks left after this one in Oshkosh!!! Oshkosh guitar students enjoy the freedom summer allows while you can! For SOON your brains will be filled with new information to digest & fresh schedules to remember. Also sports and aching...
Aug 6, 2012
There is something that seems to increase the value of a guitar lesson more that anything else. Well, other than showing up… 😉 This thing is practicing more than enough to “pass” an assignment. I normally suggest that everyone (even busy people)...
Aug 4, 2012
Hmm, guitar, guitar, guitar, guitar. Yes guitar goes through my head quite a lot. Guitar Lessons, Guitar Practice, Guitar Performance, Guitar Maintenance, Guitar Shopping,… Well here’s a secret. Another thing that goes through my head is food, food, food,...
Aug 3, 2012
Today I have two very short stories about my guitar students. One messaged me on facebook to tell me his thumb is blistered from playing. And this guy practices a lot already. The second student caught me while I was walking Lucas through our neighborhood with...