Apr 10, 2013
Today I will be at Heid Music in Oshkosh from 5:30 to 7:00. I will be talking about and demonstrating “guitar pedal wizardry”. 🙂 Please stop in and say hi, there should be plenty of time to visit and play with stuff. Don’t forget to ask questions....
Mar 1, 2013
Oh, my. I think I could sit and practice ALL DAY! Time to put this thing down and do the dishes. 🙂
Oct 22, 2012
Oct 14, 2012
It’s been raining in Oshkosh for two days! I love this. It helps me pretend I’m on the North West Coast! Maybe this week in guitar lessons we should study some “grunge” music. Does any one else think this is the best time of year to sit next to...
Sep 8, 2012
New business cards! Let me know if you want some to give out. I have a few open times for guitar lessons left in the schedule. This fall is turning out perfectly fine with new and old guitar students. An interesting opportunity is coming up this Saturday for Oshkosh...