I hope everyone’s holiday/winter break is going well. Mine is very good so far. I got a great new guitar pedal thanks to students and family giving me $ as a gift this year. So thank you all for my new Barber Electronics Burn Unit. It is an amazing distortion/overdrive/EQish type pedal. It sounds pretty sweet. Rebecca will have to sing extra loud next band practice if she wishes to hear herself. 😉
Also thanks Jason Gilmour for selling it to me for $100 less then you could have.
It has also been great seeing friends and family that normally stay a safe distance away. They have risked a lot having this rocknrolla close. Fun times.

Remember, guitar lessons at Oshkosh Guitar will resume on Monday January 2nd of 2012. I am excited to meet all of the new guitar students starting up shortly.
Hope all is well and the remainder of 2011 is fun and safe.





