While working around the house yesterday I pinched my left index finger between the tip and last knuckle on the pad. After the project was done I dug into my finger to relieve the pressure and blood. Yuk. Normally this would not interfere with guitar practice, as I am very particular about using only fingertips. Today however I have found a piece that I REALLY want to learn NOW. (La Catedral –Agustin Barrios Mangore) And of course, it is full of barre chords. During guitar lessons I give this instruction to my students over and over, If your fingers start to hurt, STOP PLAYING! Take a break, rest your weary hands and fingers and come back after a bit. I am eating those words with pineapple and mango tonight because I can’t stop practicing! My body will have to fall asleep eventually. Then maybe I’ll be healed by morning or at least regain the ability to act rationally.
Until then, Practice through the pain. 🙂